In the age of coronavirus, many are sitting at their home idle with few others doing their jobs. Some people are spending their time in reading and some are doing work from home all day long! However, there are these smart individuals taking up a multitude of Online Certificate Courses. They are not just keeping it to their respective sectors but also exploring other fields like painting, animation learning, self development or even cooking to channelise their hidden skills.
This is the 21st century and known as the era of technological advancement. That too in the days of Coronavirus, traditional teaching appears to be totally replaced by online learning courses and this is probably the best possible use of technology at this point of time. Today, various online learning apps are available in market - Udemy, Byju's, Unacademy to name a few. These apps and more are designed to cater a wide variety of audience ranging from a toddler to a full grown adult. All the user has to do is to install the app / visit the website, register into it (just as simple as creating a social media account) and have lifetime access of any course by paying a rather insignificant amount.

What do you think would the Online courses be good for? First things first, studying online gives you a flexibility like none other. The online learning can provide you with a live interaction which turns out to be class-room-like in majority of the cases. A simple raised hand, text message or mail can get your doubts solved in a short matter of time. Students can choose their own environment of study. Be it your home, at the café, across the street or listening to your instructor’s podcast as you run on the treadmill! For online learning you don’t have to travel so far to learn something new, you don't shred your time, money and effort to get somewhere totally exhausted. Isn’t that just awesome!
Online learning turns out to be an inexpensive affair for most cases. Courses usually start as low as Rs. 399 up to Rs. 20K depending upon the type and institute of the course. Any course around the world is just a few clicks away. Starting with the beginning level up to the Advanced levels which includes basics of computers and software, management, photography, skills related to IT sectors or the Aviation Industry. The list does not seem to exhaust anytime soon! Before you even start, it is a must know that self discipline, self motivation, time management and a sense of responsibility comes along with any distance learning course you would ever take. Only such a perseverant approach shall lead to that additional weightage to your emerging resumé and the subsequent stand out at your workplace.

Udaan Aviation Academy is one such platform to add value to your home-stuck times. You can explore a host of Aviation and related Courses offering a load of knowledge and those much needed certifications for this dynamically growing Industry.
Start your journey to make #AirworthyYou HERE!